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Training an Agent

This guide builds on our Quick Start Guide to help you train a more sophisticated Rocket League bot than the simple setup in the quickstart guide. We'll use RocketSim to run training much faster than the actual game, and cover all the key concepts you need to know.

This tutorial is adapted from an excellent guide written by Zealan, the creator of RocketSim. You can find the original tutorial here for even more details.

A Better Agent

We'll start this off by first creating a richer reward function so our agent has an easier time learning what to do. We'll then adjust the PPO hyperparameters, and finally set up a visualizer so we can watch our agent learn.

First you'll need to make sure you have RLGym installed with RLViser support (unless you are using a different visualizer, in which case you can skip this step):

pip install rlgym[rl-rlviser]

Now let's make a few custom reward functions to help our agent out. It's best to move these to a separate file from the main script and then import them when making the environment, but you can put them wherever you like.

from typing import List, Dict, Any
from rlgym.api import RewardFunction, AgentID
from rlgym.rocket_league.api import GameState
from rlgym.rocket_league import common_values
import numpy as np

class SpeedTowardBallReward(RewardFunction[AgentID, GameState, float]):
"""Rewards the agent for moving quickly toward the ball"""

def reset(self, agents: List[AgentID], initial_state: GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

def get_rewards(self, agents: List[AgentID], state: GameState, is_terminated: Dict[AgentID, bool],
is_truncated: Dict[AgentID, bool], shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[AgentID, float]:
rewards = {}
for agent in agents:
car =[agent]
car_physics = car.physics if car.is_orange else car.inverted_physics
ball_physics = state.ball if car.is_orange else state.inverted_ball
player_vel = car_physics.linear_velocity
pos_diff = (ball_physics.position - car_physics.position)
dist_to_ball = np.linalg.norm(pos_diff)
dir_to_ball = pos_diff / dist_to_ball

speed_toward_ball =, dir_to_ball)

rewards[agent] = max(speed_toward_ball / common_values.CAR_MAX_SPEED, 0.0)
return rewards

class InAirReward(RewardFunction[AgentID, GameState, float]):
"""Rewards the agent for being in the air"""

def reset(self, agents: List[AgentID], initial_state: GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

def get_rewards(self, agents: List[AgentID], state: GameState, is_terminated: Dict[AgentID, bool],
is_truncated: Dict[AgentID, bool], shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[AgentID, float]:
return {agent: float(not[agent].on_ground) for agent in agents}

class VelocityBallToGoalReward(RewardFunction[AgentID, GameState, float]):
"""Rewards the agent for hitting the ball toward the opponent's goal"""

def reset(self, agents: List[AgentID], initial_state: GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

def get_rewards(self, agents: List[AgentID], state: GameState, is_terminated: Dict[AgentID, bool],
is_truncated: Dict[AgentID, bool], shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[AgentID, float]:
rewards = {}
for agent in agents:
car =[agent]
if car.is_orange:
ball = state.ball
goal_y = common_values.BACK_NET_Y
ball = state.inverted_ball
goal_y = -common_values.BACK_NET_Y

ball_vel = ball.linear_velocity
pos_diff = np.array([0, goal_y, 0]) - ball.position
dist = np.linalg.norm(pos_diff)
dir_to_goal = pos_diff / dist

vel_toward_goal =, dir_to_goal)
rewards[agent] = max(vel_toward_goal / common_values.BALL_MAX_SPEED, 0)
return rewards

Now that we've got our rewards, we can set up the environment:

def build_rlgym_v2_env():
import numpy as np
from rlgym.api import RLGym
from rlgym.rocket_league.action_parsers import LookupTableAction, RepeatAction
from rlgym.rocket_league.done_conditions import GoalCondition, NoTouchTimeoutCondition, TimeoutCondition, AnyCondition
from rlgym.rocket_league.obs_builders import DefaultObs
from rlgym.rocket_league.reward_functions import CombinedReward, GoalReward
from rlgym.rocket_league.sim import RocketSimEngine
from rlgym.rocket_league.state_mutators import MutatorSequence, FixedTeamSizeMutator, KickoffMutator
from rlgym.rocket_league import common_values
from rlgym_ppo.util import RLGymV2GymWrapper

spawn_opponents = True
team_size = 1
blue_team_size = team_size
orange_team_size = team_size if spawn_opponents else 0
action_repeat = 8
no_touch_timeout_seconds = 30
game_timeout_seconds = 300

action_parser = RepeatAction(LookupTableAction(), repeats=action_repeat)
termination_condition = GoalCondition()
truncation_condition = AnyCondition(

reward_fn = CombinedReward(
(InAirReward(), 0.002),
(SpeedTowardBallReward(), 0.01),
(VelocityBallToGoalReward(), 0.1),
(GoalReward(), 10.0)

obs_builder = DefaultObs(zero_padding=None,
pos_coef=np.asarray([1 / common_values.SIDE_WALL_X,
1 / common_values.BACK_NET_Y,
1 / common_values.CEILING_Z]),
ang_coef=1 / np.pi,
lin_vel_coef=1 / common_values.CAR_MAX_SPEED,
ang_vel_coef=1 / common_values.CAR_MAX_ANG_VEL,
boost_coef=1 / 100.0)

state_mutator = MutatorSequence(
FixedTeamSizeMutator(blue_size=blue_team_size, orange_size=orange_team_size),

rlgym_env = RLGym(

return RLGymV2GymWrapper(rlgym_env)

if __name__ == "__main__":
from rlgym_ppo import Learner

# 32 processes
n_proc = 32

# educated guess - could be slightly higher or lower
min_inference_size = max(1, int(round(n_proc * 0.9)))

learner = Learner(build_rlgym_v2_env,
metrics_logger=None, # Leave this empty for now.
ppo_batch_size=100_000, # batch size - much higher than 300K doesn't seem to help most people
policy_layer_sizes=[2048, 2048, 1024, 1024], # policy network
critic_layer_sizes=[2048, 2048, 1024, 1024], # critic network
ts_per_iteration=100_000, # timesteps per training iteration - set this equal to the batch size
exp_buffer_size=300_000, # size of experience buffer - keep this 2 - 3x the batch size
ppo_minibatch_size=50_000, # minibatch size - set this as high as your GPU can handle
ppo_ent_coef=0.01, # entropy coefficient - this determines the impact of exploration
policy_lr=1e-4, # policy learning rate
critic_lr=1e-4, # critic learning rate
ppo_epochs=2, # number of PPO epochs
standardize_returns=True, # Don't touch these.
standardize_obs=False, # Don't touch these.
save_every_ts=1_000_000, # save every 1M steps
timestep_limit=1_000_000_000, # Train for 1B steps
log_to_wandb=False # Set this to True if you want to use Weights & Biases for logging.

Understanding the Training Process

Let's break down how PPO training works. The process happens in cycles:

  1. Collecting Experience: Your agent plays games in RocketSim, trying different actions to learn what works. Each time it acts, the game advances 8 physics ticks (that's one timestep), and the environment tells the agent what happened (by showing it a new observation) and how well it did (by giving it a reward).

  2. Learning: After collecting enough timesteps, PPO uses all that experience to improve your agent's neural network. It adjusts the network to make good actions (ones that led to high rewards) more likely and bad actions less likely.

When you run the training, you'll see a bunch of metrics like these in the console after each cycle:

  • Policy Reward: The average reward per episode - higher means your agent is doing better
  • Policy Entropy: How much your agent is exploring - this should settle around 2
  • Collected Steps Per Second: How fast your agent is gathering experience - higher is better
  • Consumed Steps Per Second: How fast your agent is learning from that experience - higher is better

Monitoring Progress

RLGym-PPO has integrated support for Weights & Biases (wandb) for tracking training metrics. Once you set up an account with wandb and install the Python package via pip install wandb, set the log_to_wandb parameter to True in the Learner constructor. Then you can view your training progress in the web interface. You'll see graphs of rewards, losses, and other statistics that help you understand how your bot is improving.