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Game Values

This document provides a reference for constant values used in Rocket League. All spatial measurements are in Unreal Units (uu), where 1 uu = 1 centimeter.

Field Dimensions

SIDE_WALL_Xfloat±4096Distance from field center to side wall
BACK_WALL_Yfloat±5120Distance from field center to back wall
CEILING_Zfloat2044Height of arena ceiling from ground
BACK_NET_Yfloat±6000Distance from field center to back of net
CORNER_CATHETUS_LENGTHfloat1152Length of corner wall section
RAMP_HEIGHTfloat256Height of corner ramp from ground

Goal Dimensions

GOAL_HEIGHTfloat642.775Height of goal opening
GOAL_CENTER_TO_POSTfloat892.755Width from center to goal post

Time Values

TICKS_PER_SECONDint120Physics simulation rate
SMALL_PAD_RECHARGEfloat4.0Small boost pad respawn time (seconds)
BIG_PAD_RECHARGEfloat10.0Large boost pad respawn time (seconds)
DEMO_RESPAWN_SECONDSfloat3.0Car respawn time after demolition
BOOST_CONSUMPTION_RATEfloat33.3Boost consumption per second

Physics Values

BOOST_ACCELERATIONfloat991.666Acceleration from boost
GRAVITYfloat650Downward acceleration
BALL_RADIUSfloat91.25Radius of the ball
CAR_MASSfloat180Mass of car (arbitrary units)
BALL_MASSfloat30Mass of ball (arbitrary units)

Speed Limits

BALL_MAX_SPEEDfloat6000Maximum attainable ball velocity
CAR_MAX_SPEEDfloat2300Maximum attainable car velocity
SUPERSONIC_THRESHOLDfloat2200Velocity threshold for supersonic state
CAR_MAX_ANG_VELfloat5.5Maximum car angular velocity (radians/s)


BLUE_TEAMint0Blue team identifier
ORANGE_TEAMint1Orange team identifier

Car Types

OCTANEint0Octane hitbox type
DOMINUSint1Dominus hitbox type
PLANKint2Plank hitbox type
BREAKOUTint3Breakout hitbox type
HYBRIDint4Hybrid hitbox type
MERCint5Merc hitbox type

Car Controls

Throttle[-1, 1]Continuous
Steer[-1, 1]Continuous
Yaw[-1, 1]Continuous
Pitch[-1, 1]Continuous
Roll[-1, 1]Continuous
Jump{0, 1}Discrete
Boost{0, 1}Discrete
Handbrake{0, 1}Discrete

Jump Physics

DOUBLEJUMP_MAX_DELAYfloat1.25Max time between jumps
FLIP_TORQUE_TIMEfloat0.65Duration of flip torque