State Mutators
Before anything happens in the environment, there must be an initial state. RLGym v2 provides a way for users to construct and modify this state via StateMutator
objects. Multiple StateMutator
objects can be combined using MutatorSequence
, which applies them sequentially to modify the current state.
The sequence of StateMutator
objects is invoked each time TransitionEngine.create_base_state()
is called. The state returned by the final StateMutator
in the sequence becomes the current state of the TransitionEngine
Creating a Custom State Mutator
To implement a custom state mutator, inherit from the StateMutator
class and implement its apply
method. The following example demonstrates a mutator that sets specific positions for cars and the ball:
from typing import Dict, Any
import numpy as np
from rlgym.api import StateMutator
from rlgym.rocket_league.api import GameState
from rlgym.rocket_league import common_values
class CustomStateMutator(StateMutator[GameState]):
"""A StateMutator that sets custom positions for cars and the ball."""
def apply(self, state: GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
# Define spawn location and orientation
desired_car_pos = np.array([100, 100, 17], dtype=np.float32) # x, y, z
desired_yaw = np.pi/2
# Iterate over all cars in the game
for car in
if car.is_orange:
# Orange team positions
pos = desired_car_pos
yaw = desired_yaw
# Blue team positions (inverted)
pos = -desired_car_pos
yaw = -desired_yaw
# Set car physics state
car.physics.position = pos
car.physics.euler_angles = np.array([0, 0, yaw], dtype=np.float32)
car.boost = 33
# Set ball physics state
state.ball.position = np.array([0, 0, common_values.CEILING_Z/2], dtype=np.float32)
state.ball.linear_velocity = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)
state.ball.angular_velocity = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)
Using State Mutators
To use state mutators in your environment, you can pass them directly to the RLGym
constructor. You can also combine multiple mutators using MutatorSequence
. Here's an example:
from rlgym.api import RLGym
from rlgym.rocket_league.state_mutators import MutatorSequence, FixedTeamSizeMutator, KickoffMutator
# Create environment with a sequence of mutators
env = RLGym(
FixedTeamSizeMutator(blue_size=2, orange_size=2), # Set up 2v2 game
KickoffMutator(), # Set up kickoff positions
CustomStateMutator() # Apply our custom state changes
# ... other configuration objects ...