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State Mutators

Before anything happens in the environment, there must be an initial state. RLGym v2 provides a way for users to construct and modify this state via StateMutator objects. Multiple StateMutator objects can be combined using MutatorSequence, which applies them sequentially to modify the current state.

The sequence of StateMutator objects is invoked each time TransitionEngine.create_base_state() is called. The state returned by the final StateMutator in the sequence becomes the current state of the TransitionEngine.

Creating a Custom State Mutator

To implement a custom state mutator, inherit from the StateMutator class and implement its apply method. The following example demonstrates a mutator that sets specific positions for cars and the ball:

from typing import Dict, Any
import numpy as np
from rlgym.api import StateMutator
from rlgym.rocket_league.api import GameState
from rlgym.rocket_league import common_values

class CustomStateMutator(StateMutator[GameState]):
"""A StateMutator that sets custom positions for cars and the ball."""

def apply(self, state: GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
# Define spawn location and orientation
desired_car_pos = np.array([100, 100, 17], dtype=np.float32) # x, y, z
desired_yaw = np.pi/2

# Iterate over all cars in the game
for car in
if car.is_orange:
# Orange team positions
pos = desired_car_pos
yaw = desired_yaw
# Blue team positions (inverted)
pos = -desired_car_pos
yaw = -desired_yaw

# Set car physics state
car.physics.position = pos
car.physics.euler_angles = np.array([0, 0, yaw], dtype=np.float32)
car.boost = 33

# Set ball physics state
state.ball.position = np.array([0, 0, common_values.CEILING_Z/2], dtype=np.float32)
state.ball.linear_velocity = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)
state.ball.angular_velocity = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)

Using State Mutators

To use state mutators in your environment, you can pass them directly to the RLGym constructor. You can also combine multiple mutators using MutatorSequence. Here's an example:

from rlgym.api import RLGym
from rlgym.rocket_league.state_mutators import MutatorSequence, FixedTeamSizeMutator, KickoffMutator

# Create environment with a sequence of mutators
env = RLGym(
FixedTeamSizeMutator(blue_size=2, orange_size=2), # Set up 2v2 game
KickoffMutator(), # Set up kickoff positions
CustomStateMutator() # Apply our custom state changes
# ... other configuration objects ...