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Action Parsers

Action parsers are how your agent's decisions get turned into actual game inputs. They take whatever your policy outputs and convert it into the 8 controller inputs that RocketSim and Rocket League understand (things like throttle, steering, etc.). Check out our Game Values cheatsheet to see what these inputs are.

How They Work

Every ActionParser needs three methods:

# Called during the initialization of the environment, this is used to inform the learning algorithm how many outputs
# the policy must provide, and their type.
def get_action_space(self, agent: AgentID) -> SpaceType:

# Called every time `TransitionEngine.create_base_state()` is called.
def reset(self, initial_state: StateType, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

# Called every time `TransitionEngine.step()` is called. This function is responsible for translating actions into transition engine inputs for each agent.
def parse_actions(self, actions: Dict[AgentID, ActionType], state: StateType, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[AgentID, EngineActionType]:

Creating Your Own

To create a custom action parser, inherit from ActionParser class and implement those methods. Here's an example that takes 8 continuous values between -1 and 1, and converts the last 3 into binary (0 or 1) inputs to match what the game expects:

from typing import Dict, Any

import numpy as np

from rlgym.api import ActionParser, AgentID
from rlgym.rocket_league.api import GameState

class ContinuousAction(ActionParser[AgentID, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, GameState, int]):
Simple continuous action space that maps an array of 8 values on the interval [-1, 1] into an array of valid car

def __init__(self):
# Rocket League expects 8 values per controller input.
self._n_controller_inputs = 8

def get_action_space(self) -> tuple:
return float(self._n_controller_inputs), 'continuous'

def reset(self, initial_state: GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

def parse_actions(self, actions: Dict[AgentID, np.ndarray], state: GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[AgentID, np.ndarray]:
parsed_actions = {}

# Loop over the agent action dictionary
for agent, action in actions.items():
# Copy the action into a new array
car_controls = np.zeros(self._n_controller_inputs)
car_controls[:] = action[:]

# All the actions from our policy will be on the interval [-1, 1], but the last 3 values in the car controls
# need to be either 0 or 1. We will shift and round the result such that any value below 0 becomes 0 and
# any value above 0 becomes 1.
car_controls[-3:] = np.round((car_controls[-3:] + 1) / 2)
parsed_actions[agent] = car_controls

return parsed_actions

Now we can pass an instance of our ContinuousAction to RLGym whenever we make an environment!