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RLGym Tools

RLGym Tools is a collection auxiliary tools for RLGym that are useful for training and evaluating RL agents in Rocket League. These tools include a replay parser, an in-game scoreboard tracker, several reward functions and action parsers, much more. An exhaustive list of the tools won't be provided here, but we will highlight a few of them so you can get an idea of what is available.

Replay Parser

The replay parser converts Rocket League replay files into sequences of RLGym GameState objects for replay analysis and imitation learning.

Here is a simple example:

from rlgym_tools.rocket_league.replays.parsed_replay import ParsedReplay
from rlgym_tools.rocket_league.replays.convert import replay_to_rlgym

# Parse replay file
replay = ParsedReplay.load("my_replay.replay")

# Convert to ReplayFrame sequence
replay_frames = replay_to_rlgym(replay)

# Now we can iterate over the replay frames.
for replay_frame in replay_frames:
# ReplayFrame structure:
# state: GameState # Game state representation
# actions: Dict[int, np.ndarray] # Player action vectors
# update_age: Dict[int, float] # Time delta since last update
# scoreboard: ScoreboardInfo # Game score state
# episode_seconds_remaining: float # Match time remaining
# next_scoring_team: Optional[int] # Team scoring next goal
# winning_team: Optional[int] # Currently leading team


The ScoreboardProvider facilitates training in complete Rocket League matches by tracking the in-game scoreboard through the shared_info interface. The scoreboard can be integrated with the GameMutator and GameCondition objects from RLGym Tools to enforce standard Rocket League match termination rules.

Implementation example:

from rlgym.api import RLGym
from rlgym_tools.rocket_league.state_mutators.game_mutator import GameMutator
from rlgym_tools.rocket_league.shared_info_providers.scoreboard_provider import ScoreboardProvider
from rlgym_tools.rocket_league.done_conditions.game_condition import GameCondition

# Configure an environment to behave like a standard Rocket League match
env = RLGym(

The scoreboard is accessible via shared_info["scoreboard"] within anything that has access to shared_info (e.g. any of the RLGym configuration objects). Episodes in this environment will terminate according to standard Rocket League rules, including going into overtime after 5 minutes until a team scores if the score is tied.

To see all of the tools and components available in RLGym Tools, visit the RLGym Tools repository.