Game Values
This document provides a reference for constant values used in Rocket League. All spatial measurements are in Unreal Units (uu), where 1 uu = 1 centimeter.
Field Dimensions
Name | Type | Range | Description |
SIDE_WALL_X | float | ±4096 | Distance from field center to side wall |
BACK_WALL_Y | float | ±5120 | Distance from field center to back wall |
CEILING_Z | float | 2044 | Height of arena ceiling from ground |
BACK_NET_Y | float | ±6000 | Distance from field center to back of net |
CORNER_CATHETUS_LENGTH | float | 1152 | Length of corner wall section |
RAMP_HEIGHT | float | 256 | Height of corner ramp from ground |
Goal Dimensions
Name | Type | Range | Description |
GOAL_HEIGHT | float | 642.775 | Height of goal opening |
GOAL_CENTER_TO_POST | float | 892.755 | Width from center to goal post |
Time Values
Name | Type | Range | Description |
TICKS_PER_SECOND | int | 120 | Physics simulation rate |
SMALL_PAD_RECHARGE | float | 4.0 | Small boost pad respawn time (seconds) |
BIG_PAD_RECHARGE | float | 10.0 | Large boost pad respawn time (seconds) |
DEMO_RESPAWN_SECONDS | float | 3.0 | Car respawn time after demolition |
BOOST_CONSUMPTION_RATE | float | 33.3 | Boost consumption per second |
Physics Values
Name | Type | Range | Description |
BOOST_ACCELERATION | float | 991.666 | Acceleration from boost |
GRAVITY | float | 650 | Downward acceleration |
BALL_RADIUS | float | 91.25 | Radius of the ball |
CAR_MASS | float | 180 | Mass of car (arbitrary units) |
BALL_MASS | float | 30 | Mass of ball (arbitrary units) |
Speed Limits
Name | Type | Range | Description |
BALL_MAX_SPEED | float | 6000 | Maximum attainable ball velocity |
CAR_MAX_SPEED | float | 2300 | Maximum attainable car velocity |
SUPERSONIC_THRESHOLD | float | 2200 | Velocity threshold for supersonic state |
CAR_MAX_ANG_VEL | float | 5.5 | Maximum car angular velocity (radians/s) |
Name | Type | Range | Description |
BLUE_TEAM | int | 0 | Blue team identifier |
ORANGE_TEAM | int | 1 | Orange team identifier |
Car Types
Name | Type | Range | Description |
OCTANE | int | 0 | Octane hitbox type |
DOMINUS | int | 1 | Dominus hitbox type |
PLANK | int | 2 | Plank hitbox type |
BREAKOUT | int | 3 | Breakout hitbox type |
HYBRID | int | 4 | Hybrid hitbox type |
MERC | int | 5 | Merc hitbox type |
Car Controls
Input | Range | Type |
Throttle | [-1, 1] | Continuous |
Steer | [-1, 1] | Continuous |
Yaw | [-1, 1] | Continuous |
Pitch | [-1, 1] | Continuous |
Roll | [-1, 1] | Continuous |
Jump | {0, 1} | Discrete |
Boost | {0, 1} | Discrete |
Handbrake | {0, 1} | Discrete |
Jump Physics
Name | Type | Range | Description |
DOUBLEJUMP_MAX_DELAY | float | 1.25 | Max time between jumps |
FLIP_TORQUE_TIME | float | 0.65 | Duration of flip torque |